Worried that the tabloids would stop writing about her, since it’s the only thing keeping her famous these days, former actress Lindsay Lohan spent 11 hours in a Beverly Hills salon getting her hair dyed platinum blond. Lohan had only recently returned to her natural red, although most of the hair on her head appears to be fake anyway, regardless of color. Lohan told reporters that the new look was for a film role. The reporters then burst out laughing. Okay, I made that last part up, but you can totally see it happening. I’ll tell you why the blond hair on Lindsay is so disturbing, aside from the whole “I think I’m Marilyn Monroe” thing: she looks exactly like her momager, Dina. Like, isn’t one enough? I don’t believe for a second that the hair change was for a film role. It’s just the latest whim of a cracked-out drug addict with nothing but time on her hands. The photos from Lindsay’s rendezvous with Sam Ronson after finally emerging from the salon are a far cry from their last meeting. It just goes to show that this relationship is like a roller coaster ride. A big, blond, cracked-out, crying roller coaster ride.

Lindsay Lohan spends 11 hours going blonde, is back with Sam Ronson - голая правда