Lindsay Lohan has long been reported to be in dire financial straits. No one in her inside circle has ever really confirmed this – it seems to rest more on the supposition that Lindsay does little more than shop at expensive designer stores. She hardly ever works anymore, and she certainly doesn’t command the salary she used to. Lohan has admitted she doesn’t own a home, which naturally makes you wonder what other poor financial decision’s she’s been making. In fact according to several sources, Lohan’s main income comes from her leggings line – which is unarguably very successful. But I still doubt it can fund her excessive lifestyle. Lohan just started renting a new place at the beginning of February – for a whopping $10,000 a month. And according to OK magazine, Lindsay isn’t showing any signs of toning it down. In fact she spends $800 a week just on her hair. I’m not sure if Lohan is singlehandedly keeping our economy afloat or helping further drown it in bad debt. What is pretty clear is that she needs to curb her spending for her own sake. I know actresses have to keep up a certain look, but calling Lindsay an actress anymore is charitable at best. She’s moved on to the Paris Hilton career model – famous for being famous. The $800 hair sessions probably explain why mom Dina Lohan has an $11,500 tax lien on her home. Sounds like poor money management runs in the family. Here’s Lindsay arriving at 14 Karat Jewellery store in Los Angeles yesterday. Images thanks to WENN.

Lindsay Lohan spends $800 a week on her hair - голая правда